
Placeholder person

Dr. Kerstin Peter

Position: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am
Rheinischen Institut für Umweltforschung, Abteilung Planetenforschung
Tel.:+49 221 277 81 81-2

Über mich Ausbildung:
  • Diploma thesis, Geophysics, University of Cologne, 2008 Observations of the ionosphere and ionopause structures of Mars as observed by the radio science experiment MaRS on Mars Express
  • 04.2006 – 01.2008: Student Assistant Rhenish Institute of Environmental Research, University of Cologne
  • 02.2008 – ongoing: Research Assistant Rhenish Institute of Environmental Research, University of Cologne
  • 2009 – ongoing: Collaboration with Gregorio Molina Cuberos and Olivier Witasse on the topic of meteor layers in the ionosphere of Mars
  1. The dayside ionospheres of Mars and Venus: Comparing a one-dimensional photochemical model with MaRS (Mars Express) and VeRa (Venus Express) observations Kerstin Peter, Martin Pätzold, Gregorio Molina-Cuberos, Olivier Witasse, F. González-Galindo, Paul Withers, Michael K. Bird, Bernd Häusler, David P. Hinson, Silvia Tellmann, G. Leonard Tyler Icarus 2014, Volume 233, Pages 66-82

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